Interested in the intersection of culture and social intervention, Eduardo investigates the dramaturgical possibilities of understanding contemporary conflict and violence. In his post-doc project, he proposes the documentation and dramatization of experiences lived by vulnerable, underrepresented and marginalized groups in Portugal, aiming at the recognition of their subjectivities, the acts of sharing and searching for common grounds, and the possibility of critical emancipation.
His academic interests are strongly influenced by his PhD in Culture Studies, in which he wrote about the connections between mediatized crimes and Brazilian culture, and also by his artistic practice, as a film director (Delfos 2020, screened at the XXVII Caminhos do Cinema Português in Coimbra) and as a playwright and theatre director (Quem ri da Medeia?, with Teatro Cais 21).
Eduardo Prado Cardoso
Fellow 2024-26