In June, CADOS is offering a workshop on Research Design with Idea Puzzle to all UCP doctoral students. As part of this initiative, we invite students who are taking the training to submit their design before the 30th of June, 2021 to the Idea Puzzle annual prize. The prize offers 1000 euros for the best doctoral research design created with the Idea Puzzle software in a licensed university.
To apply, read the regulations here.
To date, 11 research designs were awarded in the following disciplines:
- Engineering: Delgado, P. (2020, June). Use of heterogeneous platforms in space applications. Research design supervised by A. Muñoz & J. Rodríguez at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.
- Psychology: Rodríguez, G. (2019, May). Comunicación emocional y cambio en niños/as con necesidades complejas de comunicación y sus padres. Research design supervised by M. Martín & S. Gelabert at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- Veterinary: Gardela, J. (2018, May). Development of vitrification cryotolerance in bovine oocytes through cold stress. Research design supervised by M. López-Béjar at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- Veterinary: Alvites, R. (2018, May). Combined use of olfactory mucosa mesenchymal stem cells and biomaterials in regenerative therapies after peripheral nerve injury. Research design supervised by A. Maurício at Universidade do Porto, Portugal.
- Media: La Rosa, L. (2017, May). Data journalism in Spain: Politics and public policies that affect its development. Research design supervised by M. Martín at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.
- Medicine: Soares, S. (2017, May). Biological consequences of exposure to social adversity in childhood. Research design supervised by S. Fraga at Universidade do Porto, Portugal.
- Medicine: Cabral, M. (2016, May). Linking obesity-induced inflammation and metabolic disease: From adolescence to adulthood. Research design supervised by E. Ramos at Universidade do Porto & Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
- Psychology: Gouveia, M. (2015, May). Mindful parenting in pediatric obesity: From parenting practices to children and adolescents psychological adjustment. Research design supervised by H. Moreira, & C. Canavarro at Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Psychology: Melo, C. (2014, May). Preservação da fertilidade em mulheres com doença oncológica: Processo de tomada de decisão partilhada com as doentes e adaptação psicológica individual à sobrevivência. Research design supervised by C. Canavarro, & A. Santos at Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
- Engineering: Cardoso, A. (2013, May). A study on the dynamics of civic movements enabled by information and communication technology. Research design supervised by J. Carvalho at Universidade do Minho, Portugal.
- Design: Lélis, C. (2012, May). Co-creation of brand artifacts. Research design supervised by O. Mealha at Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal.