Ana Fabíola Maurício

Deputy Director


Deputy Director of Católica Doctoral School (CADOS) since September 2023. She is Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences of UCP, and co-founder and co-curator of the independent curatorial project “nanogaleria” since September 2018 with Luísa Santos. She was Head of the Research and Innovation Office of UCP (Jan. 2018-Sep. 2023). She was also Project Manager and Researcher for the European Cooperation Project “4Cs – From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture”, co-funded by the “Creative Europe: Culture” programme of the European Commission, coordinated by the Faculty of Human Sciences (FCH-UCP) (Jul. 2017-Dec. 2021). 

Senior Researcher at CECC | FCH-UCP (Research Centre for Communication and Culture) since 2016, and Junior Researcher since 2010; her research focuses on contemporary art and its contribution to the development of the cultural panorama of societies. She was a recipient of an ESSE (European Society for the Study of English) Collaborative Project Workshop Grant with the project “Teaching in the Era of Digital Humanities: a Multi-Disciplinary Perspective” with three postdoctoral colleagues from Goethe Univ., Frankfurt, Germany; Stockholm Univ., Sweden; and Milan Univ., Italy. 

Ana Fabíola Maurício holds a double-program Ph.D. degree (2016) in Culture Studies by The Lisbon Consortium, FCH-UCP, and in Literary and Cultural Studies by the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany (co-tutelle European Ph.D. Network – Portugal, Italy, Germany, Sweden, and Finland). She was awarded a Ph.D. grant by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (2011-2015). She finished her M.A. degree in Media Studies, specialising in Cultural Management and Communication in 2010, and her B.A. degree in Applied Foreign Languages (English-French) in 2007 at FCH-UCP. 

Between 2008 and 2009 she worked for the Education Department of history and art museums of Lisbon City Council, having developed, and implemented pedagogical projects. She has participated and presented papers in multiple national and international conferences, symposia, and summer schools since 2009, having worked in the organisation of several academic programmes and events for the CECC as Scientific Research Assistant as well as for The Lisbon Consortium as Project Officer between 2008 and 2012. Since 2010 she has published articles, interviews, translations, and chapters in several books and journals, and since 2018 she has co-curated exhibitions and co-written and published a series of exhibition catalogues. Her co-curatorial projects with Luísa Santos include exhibitions at Appleton – Cultural Association, Amélia de Mello Foundation Gallery - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Paços – Torres Vedras Municipal Gallery, Ocupart/Livraria Sá da Costa, Tensta Konsthall (Stockholm, Sweden). 



Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2019.

30 years of culture, art, and metamorphoses: the Modern Art Centre of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the reshaping of Lisbon's culturalscape

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Ana Fabíola Ferreiro Nobre Maurício). 2016. Justus Liebig University Giessen; Universidade Católica Portuguesa

30 Years of Culture, Art, and Metamorphoses: The Modern Art Centre of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Reshaping of Lisbon’s Culturalscape


A montanha que também era de ferro

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2019.

Areia Líquida

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Ana Fabíola Ferreiro Nobre Maurício). 2020.

Areia Líquida, Ana Catarina Fragoso

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2020.


Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2019.


Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2019.

Ballistics of a sneeze: Miguel Palma

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Ana Luísa dos Santos Diniz da Silva). 2022.

Culture and the Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities

Ana Fabíola Maurício 2021. Universidade Católica Portuguesa - 4Cs Project

Entrevista a Andreas Huyssen

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Ana Fabíola Ferreiro Nobre Maurício). 2009. Comunicação & Cultura

Entrevista a Andreas Huyssen

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2009. BonD

Entrevista a Gilles Lipovetsky

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Carla Susana Moiteiro Ganito Afonso). 2010. Comunicação & Cultura

Entrevista a Gilles Lipovetsky

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2010. BonD

ESSE Collaborative Project Workshop - Teaching English in the Era of Digital Humanities: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective


Finalistas : Escultura / Senior Students : Sculpture FBAUL 07’08

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Delfim Sardo). 2008.

Finalistas : Escultura / Senior Students : Sculpture FBAUL 07’08


Finalistas Escultura 08’09

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Ângela Ferreira). 2009.

Finalistas Escultura 08’09


Funding for a Research Project - ESSE Collaborative Project Workshop Scheme: Teaching English in the Era of Digital Humanities: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective

Book Chapter

Heterotopias e heterocronismos na obra de Carolina Grilo Santos: viagens nos espaços e nos tempos de três mapas artísticos

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Ana Fabíola Ferreiro Nobre Maurício). 2021. À Volta da Viagem

I Have Never Seen A

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2020.

L(AZUL)I #002FA7

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2020.

Lake Georgia Alice Reflection

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2020.

Lisbon Blues

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2018.

Literacia visual: estudos sobre a inquietude das imagens

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Isabel Maria de Oliveira Capeloa Gil). 2011. Edições 70
Book Chapter

Museological (En)Framings and Reframings of Art and Culture: A Diachronic Analysis of Three Art Museum Models

Ana Fabíola Maurício 2014. Reframing Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies - Theorizing and Analyzing Conceptual Transfers


Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2018.

nanogaleria 2018-2020

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2021. nanogaleria editions

O que se mostra e o que se vê : estudo sobre o papel dos serviços educativos perante os públicos de cultura

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola Ferreiro Nobre). 2009.

O que se Mostra e o que se Vê: Estudo sobre o Papel dos Serviços Educativos perante os Públicos de Cultura

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Ana Fabíola Ferreiro Nobre Maurício). 2010. Faculty of Human Sciences

Políticas de Memória no Nosso Tempo

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Andreas Huyssen). 2014. Universidade Católica Editora

Politics of Silence

Ana Fabíola Maurício 2021. CECC-UCP

Por Ser A Terra Muito Calmosa

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2021.

Por Ser A Terra Muito Calmosa, Rouzbeh Akhbari

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2021.

Pós-feminismo e Cultura Popular

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Angela McRobbie). 2010.

Post-feminism and Popular Culture

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2010. BonD

Quebra Gesso

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2019.

Raree Show

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2019.

Richard Grusin - Premediation: Affect and Mediality after 9/11

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Ana Fabíola Ferreiro Nobre Maurício). 2010. Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Richard Grusin - Premediation: Affect and Mediality after 9/11

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2010. BonD

Strikes of networks of (ex)change(s)

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2021.

Talk Tower for Forough Farrokhzad

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2020.

Talk Tower for Forough Farrokhzad, Ângela Ferreira

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2020.

Toda a matéria...

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2019.

Uma obra polémica

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Maurício, Ana Fabíola). 2019.
Book Chapter

Un-silencing Bodies, Un-silencing Lives: Artistic (Self-) Decoloniality and Artistic (Self-)Empowerment

Ana Fabíola Maurício (with Ana Fabíola Ferreiro Nobre Maurício). 2022. Cultures of silence: the power of untold narratives