Researchers from the Program in Integral Human Development ( IHD) launch academic blog

Monday, October 10, 2022 - 17:34

In line with the motto of conducting science for the common good and best practices in science communication, the Integral Human Development Program's blog is in full gear with the regular publication of the fellows' reviews, reflections and research results. 

In 2021, CADOS - Católica Doctoral School, with the support of Porticus, started the Postdoctoral Program in Integral Human Development. Seven fellows from different areas of the social sciences and humanities are part of the first edition of the program.  

The projects have in common a strong practical component that aims to promote an actual social impact from the research results. Through different approaches and themes, Universidade Católica Portuguesa focuses its efforts on the peripheries of Humanity. Namely, from the representation of migration in the media, the integration of generations of Nepalese immigrants, the solidarity and communication between immigrant youth and parental figures, and the hidden school dropout, to the application of sustainable development goals in higher education, the integration of deaf migrants, and the strategic management of social institutions of the Catholic Church. 

The launch of the scientific blog allows the Program a privileged communication channel not only with specialists, but also with a wider audience that is interested in a renewed look at humanity, poverty, inequality and development.  

The academic blogging platform Hypotheses - part of the OpenEdition portal - hosts the IHD blog with Portuguese and English versions of the posts, allowing a wider community to be reached. In the posts, the fellows discuss not only the preliminary results of their investigations, but also reflect on the impact of each of their projects on Portuguese society. The 2021 edition of the IHD Program has a special focus on migration, sustainable development, school dropouts, deaf studies, and the social economy of the Church.  

With new content every week, we invite you to visit the blog and enjoy its already diverse range of publications:

Low and middle-low-income world economies lead the deafness ranking

Education through Art. The exhibition Equity as a search for Peace

Ambrosini (2022): Moral Economy, Deservingness, Competing Moral Economies, Immigration Policies, Time and Media Roles

What are people (in universities) for?

The role played by pastoral care in higher education for the promotion of Laudato si’ and the Sustainable Development Goals

On Terminology

Our Common Home: The New Juridico-Political Category of ‘Climate Refugees’

Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals, Integral Human Development, Integral Ecology, Laudato si’ Goals and New Humanism: theoretical and conceptual framework

Skills for an uncertain future

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