The future of Democracy brought reflection on the origins, history, instruments, culture and participation of democracy, in a transdisciplinary dialog. Promoted by Edgar Silva, researcher and fellow at the Católica Doctoral School, the meeting gave way to the testimonies of Carlos Cunha, jurist; Heloísa Apolónia, jurist; Nicolas Fernandez, journalist and Sérgio Dias Branco, professor, commented on by professor and historian António Matos Ferreira.
To the origins and pillars of the concept of Democracy, brought by Carlos Cunha, the challenges of information in Democracy were also addressed. Nicolas Fernandez, a journalist, raised the issue of the concentration of information media in large media groups and news agencies. He pointed out how representative democracy depends on the quality of the information that journalism conveys to citizens.
The sound of footsteps on the gravel at the beginning of Grândola Vila Morena provided the motto for the debate on democratic culture and the democratization of culture, which Sérgio Branco analyzed. Heloísa Apolónia delved into some data from her doctoral research, namely the mechanisms of participatory democracy, especially petitions.
Professor António Matos Ferreira highlighted the major challenges and their aggravation, which must be re-examined in the light of the present. His message addressed the importance of pedagogy for democracy, as a way of combating its impoverishment due to various factors, one of which is the language and rhetoric used.