Fostering Lifelong Growth: Cultural and Social Psychology in a U3S Context

Universities of the Third Age (U3S) play a central role in lifelong education and training, having a solid impact on social behaviour and well-being in older populations1,2. In Portugal, the U3A model has been adapted to fulfil the needs of a rapidly ageing population with different social needs, providing a versatile curricular structure with an educational approach adapted to the surrounding context3. This study aims to contribute to the analysis of the main results of an exploratory programme implemented in a Portuguese senior university in the Lisbon area. A course in Social and Cultural Psychology was undertaken, with a focus on Self and Culture interactions for Integral Human Development. Utilizing an ethnographic approach, the researcher conducted weekly classes and discussed the findings with the students after each session. These interactions were systematically documented in a logbook. Thematic analysis of these annotations was conducted using N-Vivo 14 software. Results suggest the need to consider social conflict management and learning to recognise otherness as a way of adapting to a changeable context. Also, the need to work on how generational differences are conditioning dynamics that promote greater well-being and how they can be a starting point for the development of the common good. 

Key-words: Ageing; Lifelong learning; Third age universities; Social behaviour. 



Invited Assistant Professor and Researcher in Psychology, Cognition and Social Sciences at the CECC – Research Centre in Communication and Culture and CRC-W – Católica Research Centre for Psychological, Family and Social Wellbeing of Universidade Católica Portuguesa. 

He is an External Expert in evaluating projects at COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology and Portuguese representative on the management commission of the international action TraFaDy - Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe.