Connexio. Integral ecology at work |Symposium|

Friday , 07 de June 2024 - 14:00 to Saturday , 08 de June 2024 - 19:00

ALI - Convento da Terra

Rua João Falcão 14
TorrãoTorrão, Alcácer do Sal7595-164
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See programme 


The event is an opportunity to bring Academia together with experts coming from different fields. A group of postdoctoral researchers in the Integral Human Development (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) will exchange thoughts and ideas with members and collaborators connected to TARS (Association for Earth Resilience and Sustainability) and DaST (Design a Sustainable Tomorrow), based in Torrão, Alentejo. 
The aim of Connexio is to discuss Integral Ecology and Economy of Francesco in relation to entrepreneurship, communication and art. The event would be accompanied by extra activities to stimulate the connection between the head, the heart and the hands. Leaving the walls of the Academy and bringing together the minds sharing a common horizon.

The programme includes national and international guests i.a. Patrícia Anzini , José Eduardo Franco, Dominik Lejman, Peter Hanenberg, Rita Sacramento Monteiro, Simon Punter. 

Aiming to link ecology and spirituality, through tourism and art.

Welcome to join, free registration:
(last spots available)

Católica Doctoral School in collaboration with Convento da Terra, DaST (Design Sustainable Tomorrow & TARS (Associação para a Resiliência e a Sustentabilidade da Terra)

Concept and coordination: 
Agata Wiórko Caeiro (UCP/CECC)
