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Programa da Conferência final 23 Novembro 2023
Programa da Conferência final 24 Novembro 2023



Looking at humanity as a whole is an invitation to think about its inequalities in detail, in terms of vulnerabilities and asymmetries. It is about looking at all the different human contexts - social, political, economic, educational, ecological and psychological, within communities and social groups, in an integrated and constructive way. The application of the concept of Integral Human Development aims to integrate this perspective into the way in which humanity is thought of today looking to the future: in its peripheries and centralities, around a benefit that is of and for all, fair, dignified, universal and common. 

This is also an invitation to think about promoting capacities, competence and resilience, in ways to mitigate, overcome and prevent the various threats, such as growing social polarization. At the same time, we should consider how to act in the face of our own vulnerabilities, or even the most appropriate way to communicate vulnerabilities and capacities with diverse audiences, without feeding prejudices and combating hate speech between different social groups and individuals. 

The conference "Vulnerabilities (and the common good)", promoted by Universidade Católica Portuguesa, brings together experts from academia and key sectors of society to think about the human future and the common good. Over the course of two days, we explored the topic from the leveraging of social value to media and vulnerabilities, from intergenerational resilience to female migration and vulnerabilities in education. A summit open to all.



Proposals should be sent to no later than 15 October 2023 and include a paper title, extended abstract (700 words), name, e-mail address, institutional affiliation and a brief bio (max. 100 words) mentioning ongoing research. Applicants will be informed of the result of their submissions at the end of October.



Presenters will be required to send in full papers (max. 20 pages, 1.5 spacing) by 20 November 2023.