This Fellowship focuses on hosting postdoctoral scholars wanting to develop work related to Integral Human Development, hereby designated as IHD. 

IHD is a concept first coined by Pope Paul VI in his Papal Encyclical Populorum Progressium signaling that the focus of development should be in “the development of each man and of the whole man” (n. 14). Pope Francis has renewed this intention for a focus on IHD by encouraging the Church to seek ways that "may better meet the needs of the men and women whom they are called to serve". One of the largest changes has been the creation of a Dicastery of Integral Human Development bringing together all the activity relating to this theme. 

In line with this renewed focus on IHD, this fellowship scheme will allow postdoc fellows to enrich the research frameworks and insights around the multiple dimensions that constitute integral human development.  This scheme is about launching and developing a ”new humanism” in society and Church, powered by the application of Catholic Social Teaching and the concept of IHD, in changing society’s preconceptions of development, poverty and inequality, disseminating knowledge on the real system-problematic, advising high-policies, measuring concrete impact evidence and implanting innovative practices. Integral Human Development is, in itself a consequence and a manifestation of the Catholic Social Teaching (CST). It is a “way” of implementing the CST, based on the assumption that “authentic development is the development that makes every person ‘more human’ and seeks to promote the good of the whole person and of every person”. 

In practical terms, it offers the opportunity to postdocs to take an interdisciplinary and practice-focused journey, with coursework providing state-of-the-art training on the issues around integral human development, its conditions and perspectives.  

The research work shall leverage on public policy data and employ experimental social, cultural or educational pilot projects that are able to translate the key messages of integral human development and how these bring new light to topics that are critical for the development of the Portuguese society.  The research aims at transforming Portuguese society through projects impacting on reality.


More resources available:


If you want to know more about IHD, please visit the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development here


DHI Program Manager

Raquel Ubach Trindade


Phone: (+351) 217 214 216