Joana Romeiro

Fellow 2023-2025

Generic Bio

Joana Romeiro, is a nurse since 2003, specializing in Child and Pediatric Health Nursing since 2013. Master in Nursing, since 2014. PhD in Nursing from the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS) of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon. Her thesis was entitled: "Nursing Diagnoses Spiritual Distress and Compromised Resilience in People Undergoing Fertility Treatment: Clinical Validation Study". She is a collaborating researcher of the research team of the R&D Unit - Center for Interdisciplinary Health Research (CIIS), of the Institute of Health Sciences of Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She is also a collaborating member of the Spirit In Health group and an invited member of the NANDA-I Nursing Diagnosis Development Committee, Inc. She has been specializing in research areas related to nursing care, spirituality, resilience, in vulnerable populations and at the beginning of the life cycle, has promoted training and scientific dissemination, published several scientific articles in journals with an impact factor and collaborated in book chapters on the previous themes.