T4EU (post-)doctoral training programme “First-time Researcher Programme”
Within the European University Alliance "Transform4Europe" (T4EU), CADOS is the Task Leader for the "T4EU Early-stage Researchers’ Academy" which is currently finalising the development of the concept for the T4EU (post-)doctoral training programme “First-time Researcher Programme”.
The "T4EU Early-stage Researchers’ Academy" seeks to:
- Create training opportunities, support services and career guidance for the upskilling of early-stage researchers in order to enhance the attractiveness of the Alliance as a whole for both early-stage and upskilling researchers.
- Map out and disseminate T4EU Tenure Tracks in order to present career opportunities and related conditions across the Alliance, so as to increase the career opportunities for early-stage researchers from the Alliance partners.
- Pool the available approaches and good practices existing at partner universities through a specific benchmarking exercise that will lead to the establishment of the T4EU joint (post-)doctoral training programme “First-time researcher” with doctoral students and young researchers as target groups, in order to foster the increase of joint publications and joint research projects, as well as invest in the higher quality of research outputs in all partner universities.
Based on the joint analysis of the benchmarking of the research methods, trainings, and tools for early-stage researchers within the T4EU alliance, as well as of the survey for the mapping of post-doc opportunities and tenure tracks within the T4EU alliance, the T4EU joint (post-)doctoral training programme “First-time Researcher Programme” will be implement in three onsite/online iterations (2025 at UCP-Portugal, 2026 at VMU-Lithuania, and 2027 at UCP-Portugal), and will include:
- Workshops and Intensive Training: critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity in research; research project development
- Networking and Collaboration: interdisciplinary networking and brainstorming opportunities
- Research Methodologies and Ethics: development of various methodological skills, ethical considerations in research and responsible conduct guidelines
- Data Analysis and Interpretation: statistical analysis and data visualization using online tools and resources
- Writing and Publishing Research: development of communication skills, training on academic writing, publication strategies, and peer-review processes; guidance on research proposal development and manuscript preparation.
Further information will be made available soon to all T4EU doctoral candidates and post-doc reserachers when the full programme is announced including the details for the participation in the first implementation taking place at UCP in 2025.